Seasoned Attorneys Handling Truck Accident Injury Claims

Navigating the aftermath of a truck accident can be daunting, especially in areas like the Valley, where Interstate 84 and I-95 are frequented by high-speed over-the-road trucks. Local trucks, often struggling with visibility, add to the risk on smaller streets.

In incidents involving large semi-trucks, the results can be catastrophic, particularly for cars, cyclists, and pedestrians. Victims of truck accidents face the challenge of proving fault to secure compensation for medical expenses, lost work time, and the extensive recovery process.

Securing Compensation for Your Truck Accident Claim

Attorney Bob Sousa of Shelton, Connecticut, focuses on substantiating your claim and ensuring you receive the compensation you need. Here are some of the complexities you might face:

  • Determining ownership in cases where different companies own the cab and trailer, often based out-of-state.

  • Addressing evasive tactics by truck companies regarding black boxes and driver logs.

  • Dealing with issues like unlicensed or exhausted drivers, and improperly loaded or overloaded cargo.

  • Managing cases of severe, sometimes fatal injuries.

At Sousa Law, LLC, Bob Sousa, Sydnee Sousa and Tom Minogue are skilled in countering insurance company denials. Our persistence has resulted in securing millions for our clients. We handle cases involving various vehicles – from FedEx trucks and Walmart trailers to construction vehicles and taxis. Our focus extends to wrongful death survivor claims as well.

If you’re a victim of a truck collision, contact attorney Bob Sousa at 203-929-8347. We’re committed to righting the wrongs you’ve suffered.

Leveraging Our Legal Experience to Address Your Concerns

Our firm’s extensive experience equips us to provide clear answers to your pressing questions.

  • Severity of Truck Accidents: The sheer size of trucks compared to cars means more forceful impacts and potentially more severe injuries, like compound fractures and spinal damage.

  • Causes of Truck Accidents: Various factors, including poor maintenance, faulty equipment, and regulatory non-compliance, can lead to serious truck accidents.

  • Timeliness in Hiring an Attorney: Due to the resources trucking companies have, it's crucial to engage an attorney quickly to preserve evidence and counter their tactics.

  • Assistance in Fatal Truck Accidents: We can help you claim compensation for medical and funeral expenses, as well as lost wages, in cases of fatal truck crashes.

  • Guidance for Commercial Drivers in Multi-Truck Accidents: Commercial drivers involved in multi-truck accidents might be eligible for both personal injury and workers’ compensation claims.

Contact Sousa Law, LLC for knowledgeable and determined legal assistance in your truck accident claim.

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